API Overview

Generalized Universal Function API

This module implements strategies for creating arguments for functions that follow numpy’s Generalized Universal Function API.

hypothesis_gufunc.gufunc.gufunc_args(signature, dtype, elements, unique=False, excluded=(), min_side=0, max_side=5, max_dims_extra=0)[source]

Strategy to generate a tuple of ndarrays for arguments to a function consistent with its signature with extra dimensions to test broadcasting.

  • signature (str) – Signature for shapes to be compatible with. Expects string in format of numpy generalized universal function signature, e.g., ‘(m,n),(n)->(m)’ for vectorized matrix-vector multiplication.

  • dtype (list(numpy.dtype)) – List of numpy dtype for each argument. These can be either strings ('int64'), type (np.int64), or numpy dtype (np.dtype('int64')). Built in Python types (int, float, etc) also work. A single dtype can be supplied for all arguments.

  • elements (list) – List of strategies to fill in array elements on a per argument basis. One can also specify a single strategy (e.g., floats()) and have it applied to all arguments.

  • unique (list(bool)) – Boolean flag to specify if all elements in an array must be unique. One can also specify a single boolean to apply it to all arguments.

  • excluded (set(int)) – Set of integers representing the positional for which the function will not be vectorized. Uses same format as numpy.vectorize.

  • min_side (int or dict) – Minimum size of any side of the arrays. It is good to test the corner cases of 0 or 1 sized dimensions when applicable, but if not, a min size can be supplied here. Minimums can be provided on a per-dimension basis using a dict, e.g. min_side={'n': 2}. One can use, e.g., min_side={hypothesis_gufunc.gufunc.BCAST_DIM: 2} to limit the size of the broadcasted dimensions.

  • max_side (int or dict) – Maximum size of any side of the arrays. This can usually be kept small and still find most corner cases in testing. Dictionaries can be supplied as with min_side.

  • max_dims_extra (int) – Maximum number of extra dimensions that can be appended on left of arrays for broadcasting. This should be kept small as the memory used grows exponentially with extra dimensions. By default, no extra dimensions are added.


res – Resulting ndarrays with shapes consistent with signature and elements from elements. Extra dimensions for broadcasting will be present.

Return type



>>> from hypothesis_gufunc.gufunc import BCAST_DIM
>>> from hypothesis.strategies import integers, booleans
>>> gufunc_args('(m,n),(n)->(m)',
                dtype=np.int_, elements=integers(0, 9), max_side=3,
                min_side={'m': 1, 'n': 2, BCAST_DIM: 3}).example()
(array([[9, 8, 1],
        [1, 7, 1]]), array([5, 6, 5]))
>>> gufunc_args('(m,n),(n)->(m)', dtype=['bool', 'int32'],
                     elements=[booleans(), integers(0, 100)],
                     unique=[False, True], max_dims_extra=3).example()
(array([[[[[ True,  True,  True,  True,  True],
           [False,  True,  True,  True, False]]]]], dtype=bool),
 array([67, 43,  0, 34, 66], dtype=int32))
hypothesis_gufunc.gufunc.gufunc_arg_shapes(signature, excluded=(), min_side=0, max_side=5, max_dims_extra=0)[source]

Strategy to generate the shape of ndarrays for arguments to a function consistent with its signature with extra dimensions to test broadcasting.

  • signature (str) – Signature for shapes to be compatible with. Expects string in format of numpy generalized universal function signature, e.g., ‘(m,n),(n)->(m)’ for vectorized matrix-vector multiplication.

  • excluded (set(int)) – Set-like of integers representing the positional for which the function will not be vectorized. Uses same format as numpy.vectorize.

  • min_side (int or dict) – Minimum size of any side of the arrays. It is good to test the corner cases of 0 or 1 sized dimensions when applicable, but if not, a min size can be supplied here. Minimums can be provided on a per-dimension basis using a dict, e.g. min_side={'n': 2}. One can use, e.g., min_side={hypothesis_gufunc.gufunc.BCAST_DIM: 2} to limit the size of the broadcasted dimensions.

  • max_side (int or dict) – Maximum size of any side of the arrays. This can usually be kept small and still find most corner cases in testing. Dictionaries can be supplied as with min_side.

  • max_dims_extra (int) – Maximum number of extra dimensions that can be appended on left of arrays for broadcasting. This should be kept small as the memory used grows exponentially with extra dimensions. By default, no extra dimensions are added.


shapes – list of tuples where each tuple is the shape of an argument. Extra dimensions for broadcasting will be present in the shapes.

Return type



>>> from hypothesis_gufunc.gufunc import BCAST_DIM
>>> gufunc_arg_shapes('(m,n),(n)->(m)',
                      min_side={'m': 1, 'n': 2}, max_side=3).example()
[(2, 3), (3,)]
>>> gufunc_arg_shapes('(m,n),(n)->(m)', max_side=9,
                      min_side={'m': 1, 'n': 2, BCAST_DIM: 5},
[(6, 6, 7), (6, 7)]
>>> gufunc_arg_shapes('(m,n),(n)->(m)', excluded=(0,),
                      max_side=20, max_dims_extra=3).example()
[(11, 13), (1, 1, 1, 13)]

Hypothesis for Xarray

This module implements strategies for creating xarray.DataArray and xarray.Dataset objects.

hypothesis_gufunc.extra.xr.dataarrays(dtype=<class 'int'>, elements=None, coords_elements=None, min_side=0, max_side=5, min_dims=0, max_dims=5)[source]

Generate a xarray.DataArray with no dimensions or coordinates fixed a-priori.


daxarray.DataArray generated with the dimensions, simple coordinates, and elements from the specified strategies.

Return type


hypothesis_gufunc.extra.xr.datasets(dtype=<class 'int'>, elements=None, coords_elements=None, min_side=0, max_side=5, min_vars=0, max_vars=5, min_dims=0, max_dims=5)[source]

Generate a xarray.Dataset with no variables, dimensions, or coordinates fixed a-priori.

We could also allow a strategy with a different data type per variable, but until there is a use case for that, we will leave dtype as a scalar input.

  • dtype (type) – Data type used to fill the elements of the xarray.Dataset.

  • elements (SearchStrategy or None) – Strategy to fill the elements of the xarray.Dataset. If None, a default is selected based on dtype.

  • coords_elements (SearchStrategy or None) – Strategy to fill the elements of coordinates.

  • min_side (int) – Minimum side length of the xarray.Dataset.

  • max_side (int or None) – Maximum side length of the xarray.Dataset.

  • min_vars (int) – Minimum number of variables.

  • max_vars (int or None) – Maximum number of variables.

  • min_dims (int) – Minimum number of dimensions.

  • max_dims (int or None) – Maximum number of dimensions.


dsxarray.Dataset generated with the variables, dimensions, coordinates, and elements from the specified strategies.

Return type


hypothesis_gufunc.extra.xr.fixed_coords_dataarrays(dims, coords, dtype=<class 'int'>, elements=None)[source]

Generate a xarray.DataArray with coordinates that are fixed a-priori.


daxarray.DataArray generated with the specified coordinates and elements from the specified strategy.

Return type


hypothesis_gufunc.extra.xr.fixed_coords_datasets(vars_to_dims, coords, dtype=None, elements=None)[source]

Generate a xarray.Dataset where the variables, dimensions, and coordinates are specified a-priori.

  • vars_to_dims (dict(typing.Hashable, list(str))) – Mapping of variable names to list of dimensions, which can be fed to constructor for a xarray.Dataset.

  • coords (dict(str, list)) – Dictionary mapping dimension name to its coordinate values.

  • dtype (dict(typing.Hashable, type) or None) – Dictionary mapping variables names to the data type for that variable’s elements.

  • elements (SearchStrategy or None) – Strategy to fill the elements of the xarray.Dataset. If None, a default is selected based on dtype.


dsxarray.Dataset with the specified variables, dimensions, and coordinates.

Return type


hypothesis_gufunc.extra.xr.fixed_dataarrays(dims, dtype=<class 'int'>, elements=None, coords_elements=None, min_side=0, max_side=5, coords_st={})[source]

Generate xarray.DataArray with dimensions (but not coordinates) that are fixed a-priori.

  • dims (list(str)) – Dimensions we need to generate coordinates for.

  • dtype (type) – Data type for values in the xarray.DataArray. This can be anything understood by hypothesis.extra.numpy.arrays().

  • elements (SearchStrategy or None) – Strategy to fill the elements of the xarray.DataArray. If None, a default is selected based on dtype.

  • coords_elements (SearchStrategy or None) – Strategy to fill the elements of coordinates.

  • min_side (int) – Minimum side length of the xarray.DataArray.

  • max_side (int or None) – Maximum side length of the xarray.DataArray.

  • coords_st (dict(str, SearchStrategy)) – Special strategies for filling specific dimensions. Use the dimension name as the key and the strategy for generating the coordinate as the value.


daxarray.DataArray generated with the dimensions and elements from the specified strategy.

Return type


hypothesis_gufunc.extra.xr.fixed_datasets(vars_to_dims, dtype=None, elements=None, coords_elements=None, min_side=0, max_side=5, coords_st={})[source]

Generate xarray.Dataset where the variables and dimensions (but not coordinates) are specified a-priori.

  • vars_to_dims (dict(typing.Hashable, list(str))) – Mapping of variable names to list of dimensions, which can be fed to constructor for a xarray.Dataset.

  • dtype (dict(typing.Hashable, type) or None) – Dictionary mapping variables names to the data type for that variable’s elements.

  • elements (SearchStrategy or None) – Strategy to fill the elements of the xarray.Dataset. If None, a default is selected based on dtype.

  • coords_elements (SearchStrategy or None) – Strategy to fill the elements of coordinates.

  • min_side (int) – Minimum side length of the xarray.Dataset.

  • max_side (int or None) – Maximum side length of the xarray.Dataset.

  • coords_st (dict(str, SearchStrategy)) – Special strategies for filling specific dimensions. Use the dimension name as the key and the strategy for generating the coordinate as the value.


dsxarray.Dataset with the specified variables and dimensions.

Return type


hypothesis_gufunc.extra.xr.simple_coords(min_side=0, max_side=5)[source]

Generate a simple coordinate for a xarray.DataArray.

A simple coordinate is one in which the values go: 0, 1, …, n.

  • min_side (int) – Minimum length of coordinates array.

  • max_side (int or None) – Maximum length of coordinates array.


L – The coordinates filled with values of: list(range(len(L))).

Return type


hypothesis_gufunc.extra.xr.simple_dataarrays(dims, dtype=<class 'int'>, elements=None, min_side=0, max_side=5)[source]

Generate a xarray.DataArray with dimensions that are fixed a-priori and simple coordinates.


daxarray.DataArray generated with the dimensions, simple coordinates, and elements from the specified strategy.

Return type


hypothesis_gufunc.extra.xr.simple_datasets(vars_to_dims, dtype=None, elements=None, min_side=0, max_side=5)[source]

Generate xarray.Dataset with variables and dimensions that are fixed a-priori and simple coordinates.


ds – A xarray.Dataset with the specified variables and dimensions, and simple coordinates.

Return type


hypothesis_gufunc.extra.xr.subset_lists(L, min_size=0, max_size=None)[source]

Strategy to generate a subset of a list.

This should be built in to hypothesis (see hypothesis issue #1115), but was rejected.

  • L (list) – List of elements we want to get a subset of.

  • min_size (int) – Minimum size of the resulting subset list.

  • max_size (int or None) – Maximum size of the resulting subset list.


L – List that is subset of L with all unique elements.

Return type


hypothesis_gufunc.extra.xr.vars_to_dims_dicts(min_vars=0, max_vars=5, min_dims=0, max_dims=5)[source]

Generate mapping of variable name to list of dimensions, which is compatible with building a xarray.Dataset.

  • min_vars (int) – Minimum size of the resulting variable list.

  • max_vars (int or None) – Maximum size of the resulting variable list.

  • min_dims (int) – Minimum size of the resulting dimension list.

  • max_dims (int or None) – Maximum size of the resulting dimension list.


D – Mapping of variable names to list of dimensions, which can be fed to constructor for a xarray.Dataset.

Return type

dict(typing.Hashable, list(str))

hypothesis_gufunc.extra.xr.xr_coords(elements=None, min_side=0, max_side=5, unique=True)[source]

Generate values for the coordinates in a xarray.DataArray.

Non-unique coords do not make much sense, but xarray allows it. So we should be able to generate it.

  • elements (SearchStrategy or None) – Strategy to fill the elements of coordinates. Uses hypothesis.strategies.integers() by default.

  • min_side (int) – Minimum length of coordinates array.

  • max_side (int or None) – Maximum length of coordinates array.

  • unique (bool) – If all coordinate values should be unique. xarray allows non-unique values, but it makes no sense.


L – The coordinates filled with samples from elements.

Return type


hypothesis_gufunc.extra.xr.xr_coords_dicts(dims, elements=None, min_side=0, max_side=5, unique_coords=True, coords_st={})[source]

Build a dictionary of coordinates for the purpose of building a xarray.DataArray.

xarray allows some dims to not have any specified coordinate. This strategy assigns a coord to every dimension. If we really want to test those possibilities we need to take a subset of the dict that is sampled from this strategy.

  • dims (list(str)) – Dimensions we need to generate coordinates for.

  • elements (SearchStrategy or None) – Strategy to fill the elements of coordinates. Uses integers by default.

  • min_side (int) – Minimum length of coordinates array.

  • max_side (int or None) – Maximum length of coordinates array.

  • unique_coords (bool) – If all coordinate values should be unique. xarray allows non-unique values, but it makes no sense.

  • coords_st (dict(str, SearchStrategy)) – Special strategies for filling specific dimensions. Use the dimension name as the key and the strategy for generating the coordinate as the value.


coords – Dictionary mapping dimension name to its coordinate values (a list with elements from the elements strategy).

Return type

dict(str, list)

hypothesis_gufunc.extra.xr.xr_dim_lists(min_dims=0, max_dims=5)[source]

Generate list of dimension names for a xarray.DataArray.

  • min_dims (int) – Minimum size of the resulting dimension list.

  • max_dims (int or None) – Maximum size of the resulting dimension list.


L – List of dimension names.

Return type


hypothesis_gufunc.extra.xr.xr_var_lists(min_vars=0, max_vars=5)[source]

Generate list of variable names for a xarray.Dataset.

  • min_vars (int) – Minimum size of the resulting variable list.

  • max_vars (int or None) – Maximum size of the resulting variable list.


L – List of variable names.

Return type
